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时间:2007-07-20 20:18:07  来源:  作者:


In Vitro Simulation and Verification of Implanted Microwave Thermal Distribution in Pig Liver

Liong Ping Dong BaoweiYu XiaolingYu Dejiang Cheng ZhigangSu LiPeng JianshuNan QunWang Huai Dang Ying(Deptof UltrasoundChinese PLA General HospitalBeijing 100853)

ABSTRACTPurposeTo investigate feasibility of using computer simulation of thermal distribution of implant d microwave radiation under ultrasound guidance in pig liverMaterials and MethodsThermal coagulated area and thermal distribution at clinically used power output were calculated and verified by computer simulation Thermphysical properties of pig liver had been obtained in previous experiment. Thermal distributions pig liver were reconstructed via computer simulation The accuracy of the thermal distribution of simulation was tested and verified by real measurement at 496 points(times)of 26 pig livers in vitro experiments .ResultsThe concordance rates between measured temperature curves and computer simulation curves were 88.91 The coagulated areas after microwave radiation in pig liver coincided with that of computer simulation at temperature of 54℃ .ConclusionThe result in predicting microwave thermal distribution with computer simulation is a reliable methodIt could he used to simulate in vivo thermal distributions

Key words microwave thermal therapylivercomputer simulationinterventional ultrasound

本研究较深入地研究了用计算机模拟与测量超声引导下经皮微波治疗肝癌生物热场的分布 根据体模实验,可以精确布置测温点,得到准确详细的组织比吸收率(SAR)和计算机模拟温度场的分布[1].但体模在高温下脱水变性,使实测温度与计算机模拟的温度值出现偏差,为验证计算机模拟微波热场的准确性,我们用离体猪肝进行了一系列实验研究。


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