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时间:2006-02-24 19:26:57  来源:  作者:

MRI findings of radiation encephalopathy of brain stem after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


梁长虹 李国业 黄飚 黄美萍 郑君惠 谭绍恒 曾琼新

LiangChanghong,Li Guoye,Huang Biao,et al.Department of Radiology,Guangdong Provincial Hospital,Guangzhou 510080



Purpose To study MRI findings and clinical manifestation of radiation encephalopathy (RE) f brain stem.

Methods:MRI findings and clinical symptoms in 51 patients with RE of brain stem after adiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer were reviewed.

Results:Clinical symptoms included number weakness or paralysis in the limbs and symptoms of damaged cranial nerves.All lesions appeared hypo-or iso-intense on spin echo(SE) Tl-weighted images and inhomogeneous and mixed hyper-and iso-intense on Turbo spin echo(TSE) T2-weighted images.The lesions were located in mesencephalon,pons,medulla,basilar part of pons,basilar part of pons and medulla oblongate in 2,7,3,9 and 30 patients respectively.The enhancement patterns included irregular tings in 39 patients,spotty in 3 and no enhancement in 9 patients.Mass effect wag minimal in all patients.On follow-up MRI,the lesions disappeared in 4 patients,did not change in size and shape in 8 patients and enlarged in 2 patients.

Conclusion:MRI could demonstrate the characteristic findings of RE of brain stem. MRI findings sometimes ale not consistent with the clinical symptoms.

Key words:Brain stem   Radiation injuries    Nagopharyngeal neoplaglTiS   Magnetic resonance imaging  Radiotherapy

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