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时间:2006-09-30 16:41:26  来源:  作者:

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Application of preand postsurgical planning in neurosurgery employing fMRI


黄仲奎 龙莉铃 张筱双

530021 南宁,广西医科大学第一附属医院放射科

zhongkuiLong lilingZhang xiaoshuang. Department of RadiologyThe Ffirst Affiliated HospitalGuangxi Medical UniversityNanning530021 China



  ObjectiveTo investigate clinical usefulness of intracranial lesions in preand postoperation by functional MRI with blood oxygen level dependentBOLDtechnique.

  MethodsCommon MRI and Motor hand area functional MRI examinations were performed in 45 patients fMRI groupwith intracranial lesions adjacent to the motor cortex before and after operation. As contrast group20 patients with occupying position lesions were made a routine MRI examination without fMRI before surgery. A 1.5T signa super conducting system was employment GE company America.

  ResultsThe focal transactivation domain of cerebration was seen on fMRI in all cases of fMRI group. The cortical motor hand area shown displacement in 22 cases with abnormal size and shape and found not displacement in 23 cases. The distribution of transactivation domain was not changed in different disease . There was positive correlation between the distance from lesions to the domains and myodynamia in preoperationr0.553P<0.001),but none in postoperationr0.059P>0.05. Our data indicated that there was negative correlation between the distance and the difference of myodynamia r=-0.570P<0.001. After operationthe size of cortical motor hand domain increased in 19 cases with different degree compared to preoperationno myodynamia decrease was found after operation. In the contrast groupmyodynamia decreased in 25 of cases. The average values of differences in myodynamia preand postoperatively in fMRI group and control group were relatively 0.31±0.47 and 0.05±0.069there were significant difference between the two average valuest2.473P0.016.

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