时间:2009-02-05 17:10:51 来源: 作者: |
Research on 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
and its applicationsCHEN Yaowen1, SHEN Zhiwei2, HUANG Jingxi3, WANG Hui2, LIN Yuejuan1, WU Renhua2
(1. Central Laboratory of Shantou University, Shantou 515063; China;
2. Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University, Shantou 515041; China;
3. Guangdong Provincial Key Lab for Digital Image Processing, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, China)
Abstract: Phosphorus is an important element in energy metabolism,and many compounds in the body contain phosphorus31. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is formed through an organic combination of the space information provided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the spectroscopic information by MRS,it is a noninvasive means of compound quantitative analysis,studying the metabolism of the living body and biochemical changes,and displaying the metabolism between normal and tumorous tissues and reflect pathological change in molecular level, and could provide the spectrum in multiple voxels and the metabolites map for observing the metabolite states, it is one of the major testing tools biomedical research in the 21st century. The recent researches of phosphorus31 magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging and its applications were reviewed in this paper.
Key words: magnetic resonance spectroscopy; phosphorus31; chemical shift imaging
磷谱主要反映人体组织细胞的能量代谢改变,磷化物的浓度与能量代谢密切相关,测定磷代谢产物的相对浓度和分布可确定细胞的能量状态。磁共振频谱(magnetic resonance spectroscopy,MRS)是一种利用核磁共振现象和化学位移作用,进行系列特定原子核及其他合物定量分析的方法[1]。早在1973年,Moon和Richards对完整红细胞及离体新鲜肌肉标本进行了31P频谱测定。1978年,Gordon得到了第一个人体31P标本,从此MRS技术进入临床活体研究,并成为目前无创性研究人体内部器官、组织代谢、生理生化改变的定量分析方法[2]。磁共振频谱成像(magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging,MRSI)技术是在MRI技术的基础上发展起来的,比MRI的功能更强,能探测到样品中分子内部自旋核(例如1H,31P,13C,19F)的物理化学环境,能在分子水平反映生物体内或人体内病变的信息,提高对诸如老年性痴呆、癲痫、脑瘤等疾病的早期诊断和疗效监控能力,MRSI技术将成为21世纪生物医学研究进入分子水平的重要检测工具之一,能将组织结构的观察与代谢功能的研究结合起来,是一种非常有潜力的活体生化分析方法[3]。