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时间:2006-07-25 17:47:28  来源:  作者:

Safety and Efficacy of Suture Mediated Closure System after Coronary <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


徐亚伟 侯磊 裴艳 徐剑刚 杨海燕 李伟明 陈艳清

同济大学附属第十人民医院心内科,上海 200072

Angiography and Coronary Interventional Procedures.

Ya-wei XuLei HouYan Pei et al

The Tenth People's HospitalShanghaiChina 200072.



ObjectiveTo study the safety and efficacy of Suture Mediated Closure System in recent patients with coronary angiography and the coronary interventional procedures (PCI).

MethodCompare the clinical effect of two different hemastasis methods with one group using Suture Mediated Closure System and another through manual compression.

ResultThe two groups were similar in terms of sex ,age,number of patient with hypertension or diebete and number of patient had stent implanted. The group using Suture Mediated Closure System(refered as suture group below) had a lower success rate in hemostasis than the group using manual compression ( 92% vs 100%).There are no statistical difference in the number of patients had hematoma or infection at the puncture site between the two groups.However the suture group had much less patients suffered from vago-vagal reflex than the manual compression group (P<0.001). Further analysis intimate that patients had stent implanted were more likely had hematoma than other patients in the suture group (P<0.05). Heparin used in stent impant procedure may be the reason.

ConclusionSuture Mediated Closure System is safe and effective to close the femoral punture site after coronary angiography and the coronary interventional procedures (PCI) without increasing the incidence of vascular complications.

Key wordSAtrial close devices; Coronary angiography; Coronary interventional procedures vascular complications.

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