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时间:2005-08-24 16:55:17  来源:  作者:

CT Image Editing: Preliminary Clinical Application<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


杨国庆 杨刚 林建

四川省遂宁市人民医院CT室, 邮政编码 629000

Guoqing Yang, Gang Yang, Jian Lin

Department of CT,the people's  Hospital of Suining city, Sichuan 629000, China



Purpose: To assess the clinical application, Value and skill in three- dimensional reconstruaction of Spiral CT of image edited.

Methods: The lesions in 53 cases were  Selected for three-dimesional reconstruction after being edited. Collmation was 2~5 mm,Recoustruction interval 1~3 mm and pitch 1~2. All two-dimensional image were edited and  processed with shaded Surface or Volumn  display  method.

Results: The stereoscopic three- dimensional  images were clearly demonstrated in all cases. All the morphology lesions and their relation to Surrounding Stractures Could be observed  from different views and augles, Other the latent foci or mass, bone and the enhanced vessels.

Conclusions: The clinical application of image editing in three -dimensional reconstruction of Spiral CT includ exclusive and inclusive methods. Image editing is a useful technique for evaluating latene foci and mass, bone and enhanced vessels, the image  qualitity were improved by cutting of the hyperdense artefacts, but there are still few pitfalls.

Key Words: Image processing, Computer Simulated; Tomography, X-ray Computed; Methods


螺旋CT(Spiral CT)的诞生,标志着传统CT成像技术的新飞跃。目前多层面、曲面重建(Multiple. Curved planar reconstruction, MPR, CPR),最大和最小密度投影(Maximum, Minimum intensity Projection, Max, MinIP),仿真内窥镜(Virtual endoscopy,VE)等技术已应用于临床,其直观性受到了临床医生及病员的普遍欢迎。但部分病例通过上述方法处理,仍难充分满足临床的实际需要,通过我院对图像编辑技术的开发和应用,使问题得以解决。本文的目的在于探讨图像编辑在某些病例三维重建中的特殊应用价值。

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