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时间:2006-04-14 18:22:54  来源:  作者:

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The Diagnostic Assessment of Multi-slice Spiral CT with Plasma D-dimer Assay in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism


石士奎* 程敬亮* 杨运俊# 赵艺蕾* 陈伟建# 刘海峰

郑州大学第一附属医院放射科磁共振室,郑州 450052

温州医学院附属第一医院放射科,温州 325000

温州医学院附属第一医院急诊内科,温州 325000


Shi-kui Shi*,Jing-liang Cheng*,Yun-jun Yang#,Yi-lei Zhao*,Wei-jian Chen#,Hai-feng Liu

*Department of Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,China

#Department of Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital,Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou 325000,China

Department of Emergency,the First Affiliated Hospital,Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou 325000,China



  Objective:To investigate the diagnostic assessment of multi-slice spiral CT with plasma D-dimer assay in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.

  Methods:48 suspected pulmonary embolism patients underwent both multi-slice spiral CT and plasma D-dimer assay,and the diagnostic values of MSCTPA the plasma D-dimer assay and the combination of MSCTPA and the plasma D-dimer assay were evaluated respectively. 22 patients of them underwent thrombolytic treatment after positive MSCTPA,and were performed with another more plasma D-dimer assays within 2th day,3th day,7th day and fortnight respectively,and another reexamination of MSCTPA within two weeks.

  Results:The plasma D-dimer assays were all positive(48 cases),the positive rate was 100%;45 patients were interpreted as PE by MSCTPA,and 3 patients without apparent filling defect expression. One suspicious PE patient was confirmed by later thinner-slice reconstruction of 0.625mm on account of positive D-dimer assay. Among 22 patients reexaminated by D-dimer assay,the values of D-dimer assay of 13 patients increased within one week and decreased one week later,while the other 9 patients revealed no evident change.The area of filling defect of the former 13 patients became smaller,the latter 9 patients without obvious change on reexamniation of MSCTPA.

  Conclusion:The combination of MSCTPA and plasma D-dimer assay can enhance the detecting rate of PE,and has significant value in diagnosing pulmonary embolism.

  Key words:Pulmonary embolism;Thrombus;D-dimer;Tomography,X-ray;Computed

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