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时间:2006-04-29 19:09:08  来源:  作者:

Appearance of CT and MRI for Primary Cardiac Malignant Tumor<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

杨 姗 曾蒙苏 张志勇 王佩芬 陈财忠 陈 刚

复旦大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032

Shan Yang,Meng-su Zeng,Zhi-yong Zhang,Pei-fen Wang,Cai-zhong Chen,Gang Chen

Department of Radiology,the Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China



  Objective:To improve the recognition of primary cardiac malignant tumors by analyzing the CT and MRI findings of 12 cases.

  Methods:CT and MRI findings were reviewed retrospectively in 12 patients with cardiac malignancies proven by pathology. Plain and contrast-enhanced chest CT scans were performed in 5 patients. 9 patients underwent cardiac MR scan,among whom 7 had dynamic contrast-enhanced scan.

  Results:Most common chamber of origin is right atrium (6/12).There are frequent involvement of multiple chambers,vessel and pericardium (10/12). Concomitant pericardial or pleural effusions occur in about 75%(9/12) of cases of malignant tumors. The tumors usually demonstrate a heterogeneous enhancement pattern after contrast material administration;while obvious enhanced stripline can been seen in angiosarcoma,and homogeneous enhancement in rhabdomyosarcoma. The neoplasms often have an isointense appearance on T1-weighted images and a heterogeneous predominantly hyperintense appearance on T2-weighted images. However malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) appears a prominent hypointense on T2-weighed images.

Conculsion:Primary cardiac malignances have invasive behavior like other malignant tumors. CTMR imaging is an important tool in the evaluation of the extent of the involvement and tissues features of cardiac malignances,which is helpful for enhancing accurate diagnosis and making therapy management,but histopathologic diagnosis is a difficult problem before surgery.

Key word:Cardiac malignance;Tomography,X-ray computed;Magnetic resonance.

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