The Status of the Interventional Medicine and the Thinking on Develop Stratagem in New Century<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
张金山 李家开 解放军总医院 放射诊断科, 北京 100853 Jinshan Zhang, Jiakai Li. Department of the diagnostic radiology, the PLA general hospital, Fuxing road 28, Beijing 100853
ABSTRACT By analyzing the status of interventional medicine throughout the country, the confused managemental system, the big difference in ability among personnel, the lack of standardized technologic criteria and effective educational mechanism, and the faint scientific research idea were thought to be the factors that restricting the subject development. Furthermore,some important aspects, which include the subject orientation and scientific management, the staff education, standardizing the technique procedures, strengthening the basic scientific research, making endeavor to realize the technical innovation and so on, that influence the subject development were deeply discussed.
回顾过去,二十世纪八、九十年代是医学影像学发展最为迅猛、最令人目眩的时期,介入医学作为影像学大家庭中的新成员从无到有、从弱到强、不断发展壮大,取得了举世公认的辉煌成就,已成为人类与疾病做斗争的重要手段,并与传统的内、外科治疗形成三足鼎立之势。随着二十一世纪的到来,人类历史又翻开了崭新的一页,新的世纪将属于生命科学的时代,在蓬勃发展的医学科学园地中,介入医学这棵幼苗怎样才能茁壮成长、硕果累累呢? |